“The purpose of Act 18 (2012) was to permit a condominium board of directors to authorize the installation of meters to measure utility use by individual units, as long as the condominium association bears the cost of installi...“ [Read More]
“Act 208 (2010) raises standards for the guard industry by specifying educational, criminal history, and training requirements for all guards and employees of guard companies who act in a guard capacity. The Act results from ...“ [Read More]
“In 2005, the Legislature amended the law to make it easier for individual owners to install solar energy devices on single family residences and the common elements of townhouses. In 2009, several bills that proposed to give...“ [Read More]
“Act 186 (2010) prohibited associations from preventing a unit owner from placing an electric vehicle charging station on or near the owner’s parking stall in any “multi-family residential dwelling or townhouse.” The pu...“ [Read More]