(808) 523-0702


Court Rules Management Company Not a Debt Collector Under FDCPA

Wednesday, October, 17th, 2012 at 5:28 am by Richard S. Ekimoto, Esq.

A few days ago, the Federal District Court for the District of Hawaii ruled that a management company is not a debt collector under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”).  Although the legal principles in the decision are not particularly new, it does provide an opportunity to discuss the FDCPA and management companies. The FDCPA requires debt collectors to meet certain requirements in the collection of a debt, including a requirement to provide the [Read More...]

Ekimoto & Morris Celebrates Seven Years of Practice

Thursday, August, 2nd, 2012 at 6:50 am by Richard S. Ekimoto, Esq.

Even though it's late tonight, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that seven years ago on August 1, 2005, John Morris and I started practicing community association law together. We're grateful for the attorneys and staff that have helped us build our firm, but most of all we appreciate our clients and the managers with whom we work for making these last seven years fun and successful. We look forward to continue to work with you!

HUD Settles Resident Screening Discrimination Claim Against Florida Condominium Association

Thursday, July, 26th, 2012 at 11:16 pm by Richard S. Ekimoto, Esq.

A few days ago, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) issued a press release that it had settled a discrimination claim involving allegations that a condominium association rejected a qualified buyer based on the buyer’s national origin and sex.  HUD is the federal agency that investigates and enforces claims of discrimination under the Federal Fair Housing Act. It is relatively rare for condominium associations to have the authority to screen owners and residents of [Read More...]

Prohibiting Smoking in Condominium Units

Friday, March, 30th, 2012 at 1:53 am by Richard S. Ekimoto, Esq.

The war on second-hand smoke began in certain public places like elevators and hospitals. Later it moved to restaurants and bars and certain common elements of a condominium project. The latest venue is individual units in condominium projects. Communities like Belmont, California (half way between San Francisco & San Jose) have adopted ordinances prohibiting smoking in individual units and the patio/yard areas of multi-unit residences (apartments, condominiums, and townhouses) which share common floors and/or ceilings [Read More...]


Thursday, March, 29th, 2012 at 2:21 am by Richard S. Ekimoto, Esq.

Over seven years ago, I started the Hawaii Condo Law blog. In 2006, we ported the blog to our own website, but unfortunately, we had some technical issues and the blog was down for a while. I realized that what was keeping me from posting was the daunting task of re-installing all the old posts. I may still do that, but in the meantime, we'll start with new posts. If you want to see posts from 2005 to 2006, you can go to the blogger website. Posts from 2006 may or may not be re-installed sometime in the future.