Category: General
Categories: Board Duties, Community Association Management, Federal Law & Regulations, General Tags: Beneficial Owner Information, Corporate Transparency Act, CTA
By Richard S. Ekimoto, Esq Bloomberg Law has reported a few hours ago that a federal District Court judge in Texas issued a nationwide injunction on the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”). The injunction means that the CTA is blocked from being enforced. Judge Amos Mazzant III issued the injunction stating: The CTA is likely unconstitutional as outside of Congress’s power. Because the Reporting Rule implements the CTA, it is likely unconstitutional for the same reasons. [Read More...]
Categories: Communications, Community Association Management, Financial & Reserves, General, Hawaii Community Association Statutes, Meetings Tags: Certified Public Accountants, Condominium audits, CPA
By John A. Morris, Esq. Under Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 514B-150, all condominium associations with 20 or more units must annually have an audit and an unannounced cash balance verification. Condominium associations with fewer than 20 units may waive those requirements by a majority vote at a meeting. Subject to certain exceptions, an association must make a copy of the audit available to all owners and must provide a copy to those owners who request [Read More...]
Categories: General
In 2022, the legislature made a number of changes to both the condominium law (Chapter 514B) and the planned community associations law (Chapter 421J). Most but not all of the changes improve association operations. You can view the text of the acts by clicking on the links below. Act 69 (SB 2685 SD2, HD1, CD1), Signed 6/17/22, effective January 1, 2023 Relating To Planned Community Associations. The legislative history for act 69 indicates that its [Read More...]
Categories: General
SB 2661 seeks to change the balance of power between associations and owners in connection with the collection of charges other than maintenance fees. The current law requires owners to “pay first and dispute later” with respect to charges imposed by the association – i.e., that owners must pay the amounts claim by the association and then have the option of going to Small Claims Court or filing for mediation and arbitration. This bill proposes to [Read More...]
Thursday, March, 29th, 2012 at 2:21 am by Richard S. Ekimoto, Esq.
Categories: General
Over seven years ago, I started the Hawaii Condo Law blog. In 2006, we ported the blog to our own website, but unfortunately, we had some technical issues and the blog was down for a while. I realized that what was keeping me from posting was the daunting task of re-installing all the old posts. I may still do that, but in the meantime, we'll start with new posts. If you want to see posts from 2005 to 2006, you can go to the blogger website. Posts from 2006 may or may not be re-installed sometime in the future.